
Best indie games on xbox one
Best indie games on xbox one

best indie games on xbox one

Just like the past two installments, tech and hacking are necessary to go through this title. From the brute security guards, a tech enthusiast, to a little old grandma, you can find someone with the necessary skill sets to complete your current mission objectives. In this game, anyone in the game world can be a playable character. Instead, the developers opted to make recruitment a crucial part of this game so to flesh up your roster of incredibly badass operatives, you’ll have to go and hunt them down yourself. However, unlike the past two installments for this IP, players won’t be diving into the game as a single character protagonist. This time around DedSec is having to fight back against a new strict regime that has taken over London. Watch Dogs received the third installment to the franchise in 2020 with Watch Dogs Legion. As mentioned, it’s a lot like Dark Souls with a timing structure, knowing when to attack, dodge, and even block is necessary in order to progress. Of course, that’s the main component of this game, combat is a challenge and it’s not going to be a game you’ll go in headfirst hoping to deliver a barrage of attacks. If you weaken it up enough there’s the chance you’ll be able to slice it off and use it. This is done basically by gathering resources and building it up yourself though there is also the option of battling an enemy and weakening the desired part on their body. A big portion of this game is all about upgrading and crafting items to further build your character up against the opposing enemies. Something goes haywire and next thing you know you’re fighting off a bunch of baddies wielding exoskeleton suits. Without spoiling too much of what you’ll endure in this campaign, the world’s resources are scarce and you take a job in a massive corporation. It’s an action RPG that follows a story that’s not as rich and deep that we’d had hoped for but its at least something. That’s not a big surprise the franchise has been a big inspiration for a ton of great video games out there right now and this is just one of those that you’ll either really love or completely avoid. The Surge is a game that will feel pretty much like a Dark Souls clone.

best indie games on xbox one

There are multiple maps and game modes to choose through which should give players plenty of content to enjoy until a third installment releases, though we’re not sure just when that will be. Combat feels fast-paced, controls are well responsive and it’s everything you would want and expect from a Titanfall game. There’s a diverse set of titan classes, load-outs that vary between titans and the soldiers. Still, that’s not to say there’s nothing left after you complete the game as this is still a great FPS multiplayer game. It’s also a bit of a fast game campaign as well, similar to the likes of the Call of Duty franchise so you’re looking at about six hours to complete the campaign. There are even some big moments that we’re not going to spoil. We found the story to be a bit generic and it does at times rely on players knowing the conflicts featured from the first game but overall the gameplay was a ton of fun to play through. Thankfully the developers listened and with Titanfall 2 we received a single-player story campaign to go through. Titanfall released with quite a bit of success but fans were wanting a bit more content and depth to chew through. We can’t wait to hear about your personal favorite sci-fi games on the platform as well. Leave a comment and share some other games worth checking out on the platform. As a result, if you don’t quite agree with our list and have some other games that you would like to recommend then please do so. Keep in mind there are no definitive lists, we all have our personal opinions. If you own an Xbox One and want to dive into a sci-fi video game then check out our picks down below. Whether you’re looking for a new world to explore or a futuristic feel, there’s a big fan base when it comes to science fiction.

Best indie games on xbox one